Florida Man Killed While Hunting
May 16, 2021
A man from Florida died on Saturday after his friend accidentally shot him on a hunting trip. The 51 year-old man, R.I., was hunting in South Carolina with a group of five friends. R.I. had reportedly separated from the group to go into a wooded area a little bit earlier. One of his friends, who was dropped off by the rest of his group, had gotten on a hunting stand. He allegedly heard rustling in the bushes, which he though was a wild boar. He fired a single shot into the bushes and waited for about 10 minutes, then got down from to inspect his kill.
The shooter claims that he was shocked to find his friend lying there with a gunshot wound to his stomach. The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources is currently investigating the incident, as they were the ones who received the call about the shooting. The other hunters in the party, two of which were brothers of the victim, have confirmed that the shooting was all an accident, but the offender has still been charged with criminal use of a firearm and hunting without a license.
If you have had a loved one die from someone else’s irresponsibility, then you should pursue litigation so that you can be compensated for your loss. Hunting accidents are often the cause of wrongful death, and those who have committed the offense should have to pay for their actions. Our Ft. Lauderdale attorneys at Feingold & Posner, P.A. are always open to discussing your case during a free consultation! Take advantage of our legal team’s extensive knowledge in the area of personal injury and contact our office soon. We are proud to serve not only Fort Lauderdale, but also the counties of Broward, Palm Beach, Miami-Dade, and the rest of Florida.

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